Dept IT

Power BI

About this trackCe track va nous faire découvrire l’outil Power BI de Microsoft . Un outil performant et largement utilisé pour les projet BI. On va passer de la présentation du produit jusqu’aux fonctionnalités avancées avec des exemples concrets. Introduction à Power BIObtenir les donnéesTransformer les donnéesDéfinir le modèle de donnéesConception de rapport Power BIPrésentation […]

Power BI Lire la suite »

Introduction to Web Development

About this trackLearn the basics of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (ES6), Bootstrap & Git and be able to build responsive web pages and get a grasp on Front-end Web Development. Introduction to Web Development Web FundamentalsIntroducing how the web works and what web developer should know.HTMLCSSCSS Super SkillJavascript: KnowledgeDOM JavascriptGit & GitHubGit & GitHub SuperSkill

Introduction to Web Development Lire la suite »

Linux System Administration 101

About this trackThis track is an introduction to the Linux fundamentals. At the end of the training, you will be able to administrate your system by learning all the Linux System Administration fundamentals. Introduction to linuxLinux Shell and File System ManagementManaging File System under LinuxLinux Boot ProcessControlling file access and permissionsMonitoring and managing Linux processControlling

Linux System Administration 101 Lire la suite »

The MIT App Inventor

About this trackThis track will give students hands-on experience in developing interesting Android applications. MIT App Inventor will be used in the track which is the best no-code app development platform. It is a blocks-based programming tool that allows students, even novices, to start programming and build fully functional apps for Android devices. Introduction to

The MIT App Inventor Lire la suite »

Neural Network and Deep Learning

About this trackDeep Learning lies at the heart of many leading machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. In this track, the student will learn how to create powerful deep neural networks and deep learning algorithms in python. Hands On Deep LearningIntroduction to artificial intelligenceArtificial Neural NetworkLet’s get started with ANNDeep Neural NetworkConvolution Neural NetworkTransfer Learning

Neural Network and Deep Learning Lire la suite »

Front-end Developpement With Angular

About this trackThis track concentrates mainly on Angular framework. Angular is one of the most popular Javascript front-end frameworks from Google that allows you to build a modern big e-commerce web application as well as a single page web application that runs on a browser.Introduction to AngularAngular IntroductionAngular – ComponentsAngular ComponentsDirectivesAngular DirectivesThe PipesAngular The pipesService

Front-end Developpement With Angular Lire la suite »

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