Linux System Administration 101

Statut actuel

About this track
This track is an introduction to the Linux fundamentals. At the end of the training, you will be able to administrate your system by learning all the Linux System Administration fundamentals.

Introduction to linux
Linux Shell and File System Management
Managing File System under Linux
Linux Boot Process
Controlling file access and permissions
Monitoring and managing Linux process
Controlling and managing services with systemd
Installing and Updating software Packages
Analyzing and managing logs
Linux Network Management
Archiving Compressing and copying files between systems
Getting Access to shell terminal
Managing files from linux command line interface
Managing Linux users and groups
Managing systemV init and systemd
Controlling access files with Linux file system permissions
Monitoring and managing process
Controlling Linux Services and filtering logs using journalctl
Managing sw packages using rpm
Analyzing and storing logs using rsyslog and tail
Managing Linux network using NetworkManager
Synchronizing, archiving and compressing files

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